&&. electronics
Hello, hello ♥
Just yesterday, my Dad came home from swimming and told me that he got me a new phone ! I was like, "WUUUUUT ?! B-but my one still works ! Why would you get me another one ?!". And he was like, "Because you got 9 As and 3 Bs for your report ! Though I prefer you getting all As . . ." and he just gave it to me :D So now, I shall introduce to you Mr. Muggle !
Mr. Muggle was named Mr. Muggle in order to celebrate the recent release of the 8th Harry Potter film: Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallow Part II. As you may or may not know, muggle means a 'non-magical person' and so the name is very fitting for an invention made by these people. I said 'these people' because I still believe that the owl carrying my Hogwarts letter got lost somewhere in the Indian Ocean from it's trip from Europe. I also forgot to mention that Mr. Muggle is also a Sony Ericsson XPERIA Arc :)
Anyhow, to continue on with the theme, I shall show you two more of my precious electronic items ! The second one up is PACHIRII, my orange iPod Nano GEN 5. All capitals for the name is indeed necessary, because it is written in my imaginary birth certificate.PACHIRII came into my life sometime in the middle of last year. She currently holds 310 songs, and is an essential item that I take whenever I go out. We have been though many rough times, but have survived in the end. There was a time when PACHIRII was working normally and shut down suddenly and then refused to turn back on, despite me charging it at the same time. And the other time when I was hanging the washing out, when PACHIRII fell out of my pocket, and took a bad crash onto the concrete paving.
Moving on, we now have my pink Nintendo DS, Miss Rose. I have an annoying habit with giving genders to things. And I blame the Little Miss and Mr Men show :/
I bought Miss Rose from this building full of electronics and radioactivity in Guang Zhou, China. Instead of buying games, my Dad bought this substitute chip, where you can download games from this illegal website, that also contains cheat codes :D I got x999 rare candies, masterballs and leftovers in Pokemon Pearl & Diamonds. Sadly that website had been taken down, and so I'm out of date with the games :L
This concludes my post of my very much loved electronics ♥
* e n d
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