&&. harry potter, j.k rowling, and pottermore
July the 31st is marked on my imaginary calender as the day Harry Potter and J.K Rowling was born.
Joanne Katheleen Rowling, probably the most brilliant homosapien ever to breathe in planet Earth, and the creator of the Harry Potter world. Over the past decade, J.K Rowling has brought to us a magical world, and gave me the best fandom I have ever loved - even more than manga/anime. She has also created a fictional character name Harry Potter, the hero of the story. No words can express how thankful I am to them for opening up this new dimension of fantasy, another world for me escape to.
Circulating fanfiction (dot) com are many Harry Potter related texts that people copy onto their profiles, and so here are some of them :)
You studied with Hermione. You stumbled with Ron. You hid creatures with Hagrid. You laughed with Fred and George. You fought with Voldemort. You forgot with Neville. You got caught with the DA. You rebelled against Umbridge and Snape. You cheered on Gryffindor. You kept up the rivalry with Draco Malfoy and the Slytherins. You worked with Dumbledore. You stuck with Harry til the end. And now that it's over, all you can do is remember, and thank J.K. Rowling for the time of your life.
Gryffindors … will jump off a cliff.
Slytherins … will push someone else off.
Hufflepuffs… will call five hundred others and build a staircase.
Ravenclaws … will get hold of a flying carpet.
And for all those who claim that Twilight is better than Harry Potter:
You say Twilight. I say Harry Potter.
You say vampires. I say wizards.
You say Jacob Black. I say Sirius Black.
You say Team Edward. I say Team Potter.
You say Robert Pattinson. I say 'is Cedric Diggory'.
You say Taylor Lautner is hot. I say Tom Felton is hotter.
You say Edward. I say 'AVADA KEDAVRA, bitch.'

Labels: awesome, harry potter