Sunday, July 31, 2011

&&. harry potter, j.k rowling, and pottermore

July the 31st is marked on my imaginary calender as the day Harry Potter and J.K Rowling was born.

Joanne Katheleen Rowling, probably the most brilliant homosapien ever to breathe in planet Earth, and the creator of the Harry Potter world. Over the past decade, J.K Rowling has brought to us a magical world, and gave me the best fandom I have ever loved - even more than manga/anime. She has also created a fictional character name Harry Potter, the hero of the story. No words can express how thankful I am to them for opening up this new dimension of fantasy, another world for me escape to.

Circulating fanfiction (dot) com are many Harry Potter related texts that people copy onto their profiles, and so here are some of them :)

You studied with Hermione. You stumbled with Ron. You hid creatures with Hagrid. You laughed with Fred and George. You fought with Voldemort. You forgot with Neville. You got caught with the DA. You rebelled against Umbridge and Snape. You cheered on Gryffindor. You kept up the rivalry with Draco Malfoy and the Slytherins. You worked with Dumbledore. You stuck with Harry til the end. And now that it's over, all you can do is remember, and thank J.K. Rowling for the time of your life.

Gryffindors … will jump off a cliff.
Slytherins … will push someone else off.
Hufflepuffs… will call five hundred others and build a staircase.
Ravenclaws … will get hold of a flying carpet.

And for all those who claim that Twilight is better than Harry Potter:

You say Twilight. I say Harry Potter.
You say vampires. I say wizards.
You say Jacob Black. I say Sirius Black.
You say Team Edward. I say Team Potter.
You say Robert Pattinson. I say 'is Cedric Diggory'.
You say Taylor Lautner is hot. I say Tom Felton is hotter.
You say Edward. I say 'AVADA KEDAVRA, bitch.'

Also, today is the date of Pottermore Beta registration ! I have already secured my account with the username: NewtThron165, which is not as awesome as Stella's AvisShadow169, which I *CENSOOOOOOOOORED* envy. I'm planning on registering again and again until I get a username as F#&KING badass and awesome.

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

&&. hp and the end

Despite me being a young hardcore fan of Harry Potter, I have yet to see the final movie. A fellow Harry Potter fan from school said that it was crap and very disappointing, and many other normal friends also said the same thing. This was because of the behind the scenes shown at the BEGINNING of the movie.

I need to purchase the entire movie DVD box set ( once when it comes out ) as well as finally completing my book collection - which still needs The Chamber Of Secrets & The Deathly Hallows. There is also Harry Potter: The Ultimate Collection from The Daily / Sunday Telegraph, that needs to be completed, and comes out every day from 24/O7 to O8/O7. Along the way, Pottermore will also officially start accepting registrations - or at least Betas.

So despite it being the end, as J.K Rowling said: "Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home."

As a late celebration, on Monday the the 18th, the day before school started, I had a rather sudden burst of inspiration and decided to do my nails in a Harry Potter theme ! Here are some photos:

Slytherin house colours & ' S ' on the thumb

Gryffindor house colours & ' G ' on the thumb

These rhinestones were a hell of a pain to use, because they have a non-sticky underside, meaning that nail glue was necessary. Sadly, it was completely dried out when I had to use it. Using clear nail polish instead was the crappiest idea, because the rhinestones fell off constantly. I only wore this for a couple of days, because I was losing too much of my precious rhinestones. But they were good for showing off to other Harry Potter fans :)

* e n d


Saturday, July 23, 2011

&&. dreams II

I had another weird dream last night D:

In my dream, I miraculously owned two dogs. One of which was a white maltese dog, and the other was a brown toy poodle. I think the two of them have some sort of resemblance with
Caitlin's and Michelle's dogs :/ Oh, and warning to Caitlin, the next paragraph involves the gruesome death of the dog that looked like Cody :L

Anyhow, the maltese dog was playing in the toilet bowl, and accidentally flushed itself down. It someone ended up coming out of the drain in our second bathroom, apparently dead. It had a slightly disfigured face with blue and yellow eyes, and it's tongue flapping out. So seeing that I was somehow responsible to the death of the dog, I cleaned out the white fluff in the drain to earse all eviden at the crime scene, and went to bury the dog in my backyard.

At this point, the other dog dissappeared, though I didn't question because I was more worried about my Mum killing me for killing the dog. I don't even know why I'm taking responsibilty for it >^>;; So when I was burying the dog with a shovel I never knew I had, this tiny kid from next door climbed up the fence and was threatening to blackmail me. The kid doesn't even exist in real life. He said that I had to come over to his house, and so I did.

We ended up playing this board game that involved mazes and guiding a metal ball through it. At the end point, you were given one second to remember and recite this quote, but I said it wrong. A huge crab was unleashed upon me and I had my waist snipped in half quite brutally. There were blood and guts coming out, and I was seeing this from third person perspective. Which was quite ironic seeing that I ate crab for dinner today. Then I realised that the quote was set up by the father of the kid, which said something like "I am 5 years old, and mum wife did not cheat on dad." I think the father was in denial and thus forced the child to repeat the quote whenever he played the board game . . .

I know, it's weird.

* e n d


Saturday, July 16, 2011

&&. electronics

Hello, hello ♥

Just yesterday, my Dad came home from swimming and told me that he got me a new phone ! I was like, "WUUUUUT ?! B-but my one still works ! Why would you get me another one ?!". And he was like, "Because you got 9 As and 3 Bs for your report ! Though I prefer you getting all As . . ." and he just gave it to me :D So now, I shall introduce to you Mr. Muggle !

Mr. Muggle was named Mr. Muggle in order to celebrate the recent release of the 8th Harry Potter film: Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallow Part II. As you may or may not know, muggle means a 'non-magical person' and so the name is very fitting for an invention made by these people. I said 'these people' because I still believe that the owl carrying my Hogwarts letter got lost somewhere in the Indian Ocean from it's trip from Europe. I also forgot to mention that Mr. Muggle is also a Sony Ericsson XPERIA Arc :)

Anyhow, to continue on with the theme, I shall show you two more of my precious electronic items ! The second one up is PACHIRII, my orange iPod Nano GEN 5. All capitals for the name is indeed necessary, because it is written in my imaginary birth certificate.

PACHIRII came into my life sometime in the middle of last year. She currently holds 310 songs, and is an essential item that I take whenever I go out. We have been though many rough times, but have survived in the end. There was a time when PACHIRII was working normally and shut down suddenly and then refused to turn back on, despite me charging it at the same time. And the other time when I was hanging the washing out, when PACHIRII fell out of my pocket, and took a bad crash onto the concrete paving.

Moving on, we now have my pink Nintendo DS, Miss Rose. I have an annoying habit with giving genders to things. And I blame the Little Miss and Mr Men show :/

I bought Miss Rose from this building full of electronics and radioactivity in Guang Zhou, China. Instead of buying games, my Dad bought this substitute chip, where you can download games from this illegal website, that also contains cheat codes :D I got x999 rare candies, masterballs and leftovers in Pokemon Pearl & Diamonds. Sadly that website had been taken down, and so I'm out of date with the games :L

This concludes my post of my very much loved electronics ♥

* e n d

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Monday, July 11, 2011

&&. movies


So far during the holidays, I have crossed off two movies from my 'To Watch' list :D Mr. Popper Penguins and Kung Fu Panda 2 most certainly get my thumbs up, because they seriously make me crack up laughing ♥ Kung Fu Panda 2 gets and extra thumbs up because of the 3Dness and constant jokes of awesomeness.

The only movie left for me is . . . HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PART 2 !

Seeing that my parents wouldn't let me go to the cinemas at 12am, I compensated by buying a shiny new POSTER * Q*


I think I'm using capslock too much :/

OH WELL ♥ trollface.png

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Thursday, July 7, 2011

&&. lazy


I have last posted on the 28th of June.

Which was 11 days ago.

Despite it being the holidays ( another belated announcement since it started 7 days ago ), I have an excuse ! You see, I currently suffering from a disastrous and contagious syndrome called 'laziness'. Oh the HORROR !

These days, I would normally sleep at 12am/1am, and wake up at 2pm. I value my sleep quite a lot, thank you very much. The only exception is when I have piano classes or commitments with friends. See how much I do for you guys ?! My Mum always says it is a wonder why I don't have any back pains from sleeping so much. I respond with " It's a secret ♥ ", because even I don't know > ^>;;

I'm also procrastinating like hell. The 1OO drawings that I promised for my Personal Interest Project for my Gifted & Talented class has been put on hold since the 13th drawing. And I'm not bothered to continue it. Maybe never later. I also promised myself to write a Harry Potter fanfiction to celebrate the last movie coming out. That has also been put on hold since my fingers are so darn numb and so I can't type too much.

Though this post has proper grammar and spelling, it took me more than 1O minutes having to edit it from all the mistakes that I made @3@;; I kid you not, I can't even play a song on the piano without having to stuff up ! Curses to you Winter !

And to Michelle Q. if you are reading this: You are a truly honourable person, for trying to post at least once a day. I am currently wiping tears of joy and great proudness for you :')

* e n d

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